In the marketing industry, the content that connects with your customers is vital, and that is why developing creative texts with valuable content that persuade those potential customers to use your brand, for a successful marketing strategy is essential. This is what we call a copywriter.

The copywriter has to do with the purpose of writing in marketing, the intention is to create a text that helps your audience to convert or generate a call to action or CTA. That’s why the creative process for marketing needs to be well structured and thought out. 

Whether you are creating a post, a blog, a slogan, an email marketing, or an ebook, you must understand the importance of that text that helps your users to make a decision and bet on your product or service because more than selling the goal is to connect and offer valuable content where your users feel identified.

But what are the best practices to carry out the copywriting process? In this article, we are going to give you 7 of the best practices to make a quality copywriter for your clients.

First of all, you need to consider and use what are called “mental triggers” when writing because they will help your audience make a decision, but you may be wondering what mental triggers are. In psychology, they are known to cause the brain to act almost automatically and they are reciprocity, social approval, affinity, authority, commitment and scarcity. 

However, this is not the only thing you should take into account, for the copywriting process, without a doubt, knowing your target audience is essential, after all, the best way to convince someone is to know their tastes, understand what they need, this way it will be easier to communicate with your audience.

If you want to improve their experience with your brand, it is better to offer them something that you know will create value for them, such as an ebook for example, with this we refer to the reciprocity we mentioned earlier with the so-called “mental triggers”.

Lean on your current customers, the use of testimonials increases your credibility, if they could trust you, others will do the same, this way you show that other people have had a pleasant and successful experience with your brand and that they can do the same.

Accept your mistakes, although the goal is not to make them, if they happen it is best to be your ally and transparent, accept your mistakes, apologize to your customers, and offer some extra benefit for the inconvenience caused. This way you will show that you are always focused on improving and that you are also a common human being.

Create urgency towards your brand, offering an exclusive, unique, and limited product or service creates a sense of urgency and accelerates your conversion goal, but most importantly you add value if you offer a competitive advantage. For example, you can indicate that something is unlimited and also offer a small free trial to encourage them to take action, this way there will be no doubt about their intention to buy.

Do not talk directly about your products and their features, because your customer will probably not pay much attention; it is better to focus on him and his problems and how your product or service can help solve a specific situation. This will create more empathy and keep their attention longer.

And finally, tell stories, the famous storytelling technique can be very persuasive, if you tell stories about your customers and your company, your potential customers can feel identified and connect with your brand.

We hope this little guide will help you improve your marketing strategy and create the connection you always wanted with your customers. Best of luck!