We have already spoken on previous occasions about the impact of the Covid-19 worldwide. However, we have not touched on the financial issue, the stock market crash and the decline in various sectors, worries over one person. Many have been fired from their jobs, others have their hours reduced and others are under the formality of unpaid leave; that without touching all the companies that have closed because they do not have financial sustainability.

However, despite this, other sectors have seen the opportunity for growth, today we see how the Maslow pyramid is fully fulfilled, which in our opinion, is an opportunity to carry out a change or go further off the limits of a company. Today we talk about E-Commerce, the opportunity in the crisis’s face, and that is that, with the pandemic, the use of electronic purchases has suffered a positive impact, the food, pharmaceutical and personal care sectors have been the most benefited.

We have taken into account this graph from the Content Square portal that shows the traffic from various sectors: “traffic from the week of March 8 to 15 is compared to the average of the first six weeks of the year (pre-Covid 19 acceleration in Occidental countries)”. This reveals a notion of what we were talking about earlier on Maslow’s pyramid of needs, where in the pandemic’s face, people seek to keep basic needs covered and finally, secondary needs remain.

E-commerce y covid19

With this, we conclude that this is the time to take your company to another level, starting with including it within digital channels, social networks or a landing page will be necessary to start in the world of E-Commerce, it is a good time to bet on digital transactions and embark on the world of the digital age in the face of social distancing.

Source: https://contentsquare.com/es/blog/news/analisis-impacto-covid-19-e-commerce-confinamiento/