Many studies have shown how color can influence a person’s decisions, so we must be careful when choosing the color that represents our products or services in front of our potential customers.

Colors can suggest degrees of temperature, odors, generate impact and sensations depending on the way we apply them, and influence legibility or visual fatigue or immediate recognition, so it is not enough to choose the right elements for your logo, Packaging, website or mobile application, keep in mind that the combination of colors you use will directly impact your chances of success.

To minimize your failure rate, the first thing you should do is to advise a professional, we know that it sounds repetitive, but this will help to understand that sometimes what we want or have in mind is not always the best for our products or company; We understand that there are rules for color management and that functionality is paramount.

To make a memorable design, one of the first things that we should be clear about is, the target with whom we will interact and the sensations you want to transmit through the design, and the applicability that you will give it, if it is for digital or printed, because it is not the same to design for a web page than for a fence that will be seen many meters away.

Did you know that there is a study on the 100 most important brands in the world where the colors that predominated were red, blue, gray and yellow? So if today the range of colors has spread a lot and standing out is not that difficult, determine if you want to be innovative or traditional company, young or not, or if you are a minimalist. All this can help you hit the spot with your new design.

Our recommendation is “Less is more”, most of the time something simple and easy to remember is the key to success; And if you don’t believe me, think of Nike, Apple, or Amazon.

Are you ready to bring your brand to life?