Email marketing is one of the strategies that has survived all the changes that technology has brought. However, put yourself in the consumer’s shoes and I ask you: How many emails do you receive every day that offer relevant content or content that interests you? 

That’s where the real secret of effective email marketing is: providing differentiating content that interests and directly impacts your market niche, thereby driving conversions that translate into purchases or loyalty. 

Do you know how to create personalized and dynamic email marketing? Here is the answer

Personalization in email marketing is based on tailoring the content and the email message to the individual needs, preferences, and behaviors of each subscriber. 

It is not just about sending a generic message to sell your product or service. It is about creating an intimate and relevant connection with each user who reaches your contact list. 

That is why segmenting by location, purchase history or previous interactions is the first step to knowing how to reach each type of consumer and create an effective journey with content of interest that will get them to open your email and interact with what you present. 

Here are some tips that many email marketing platforms such as Mailchimp or Brevo can offer you:

  1. Create segments based on user characteristics and behaviors (demographics, behavior, gender, interests). 
  2. Personalize the subject line or greeting; it’s not the same to receive an email with a first or last name as it is to feel like you’re just one of the crowd. 
  3. Show personalized content and recommendations based on the customer’s purchase history, this is where you can get in on the trends. 
  4. Create dynamic content, don’t be boring, many templates can be customized. 
  5. Generate journeys based on user behavior, this is about generating a series of emails that allow you to know how your users are behaving and at the same time segment, highlight, or discard subscribers. 

If you start trying some of these tips you can start seeing results, currently the market has different platforms that fit your business level and you can create effective email marketing strategies without much effort, give it a try then let us know!