India restricts AliExpress, and it is that not only has this app suffered the consequences, approximately 173 Chinese applications have also been blocked by the Indian government, claiming that the bans are due to a root of technological security.

For some time, China has been accused of handling “extra” information from companies in the United States, which have banned the use of the TikTok application, which claims that China has access to information from servers and companies.

In this sense, the government of India ensures that applications such as AliExpress or TikTok violate security codes.

Therefore, they mention that the sanctioned applications, where the famous AliExpress enters, “are harmful to the sovereignty and integrity of India,” according to national authorities.

Despite this, they have not given any weighty justification for the prohibition of these apps, among which AliExpress and other apps of the Alibaba group stand out such as Alipay Cashier, Ali Suppliers Mobile App, and Alibaba Workbench, so they have been crossed out in the list of India.

These have not been the only ones, others like Tencent Snack Video and dating apps cannot be used within India either.

A low blow for China …

 India has not been the only country to block the use of Chinese apps, so has the United States, as mentioned before.

One of the cases has been the ban on TikTok under Trump’s mandate, where he claimed that China threatens the security of information on servers and companies.

Undoubtedly, the tension between China and India increased this year due to the physical disappearance of two dozen soldiers in the Himalayas. From there, more bans emerged.

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