Smartphones, like the rest of technology have radically influenced our way of life, both work and personal, facilitating an unimaginable amount of activities with just a mobile device.

The use of this type of technology has changed our habits and our way of relating to others. Things as simple as answering an email from a cell phone, taking a photo or sending a WhatsApp has become indispensable in our day to day, and make us stick to the cell phone 24/7.

Even children at an early age use a mobile device as if it were an innate capacity. But, not only the youngest ones benefit from this resource, the adults have also taken advantage of this utility.

The disease of the XXI Century – Connected to the network and disconnected from reality

The nomophobia arises from the phrase “no mobile phone phobia”. It is a consequence of the addiction to the smartphone and refers to the sense of anxiety or irrational fear that you may end up experiencing when you lose your cell phone or when you are off of battery. This type of behavior can be diagnosed as a disorder by professionals. Mental health.

Normally people suffering from nomophobia are not aware of this condition. The symptoms of this disorder are feeling of anxiety, tachycardia, obsessive thoughts, headache and stomach pain.

According to experts, women are the ones who suffer the most, given that their brain structure provides them with a greater communicative need and affective need than men. With regard to age, nomophobia tends to occur to a greater extent in adolescents.

And you, do you suffer any of these symptoms when you get away from your cell phone?