Remember Pac-Man, that arcade game from back in the day? Have you ever wondered how those tricky ghost characters chase you with such style? Let’s dive into the wild world of artificial intelligence (AI) and discover the algorithms behind the ghost behavior in Pac-Man.

How Ghosts Work?

Those ghostly baddies in Pac-Man aren’t just floating around aimlessly. They’ve got personalities and strategies of their own. They even have names! Meet Blinky, Pinky, Inky, and Clyde.

Blinky (red ghost) will always chase you, Pinky (pink ghost) will try to ambush you, Inky (cyan ghost) may surprise you, and Clyde (orange ghost), well, Clyde is doing his best!

Their Tricks for Chasing Pac-Man Down

The Pac-Man maze isn’t an ordinary labyrinth, though: it’s a wild tangle of passages. So, these ghosts need some serious skills to find their way around. That’s when the algorithm comes in, calculating the quickest path while dodging obstacles.

Like we told you before, these specters aren’t just blindly chasing Pac-Man like zombies after brains. They’ve got a whole bag of tricks. They analyze Pac-Man’s moves, the maze layout, and even their own ghostly buddies to plan their next move. They’re predicting, estimating, and adapting their strategies on the fly.

We can tell you that Blinky takes a full lap around the screen, going from right to left, before chasing you. Pinky sticks to you and can approach you from any direction except the bottom. Clyde can travel in any direction except the right side of Pac-Man. And watch out for Inky! It will always approach Pac-Man from either side and pass right through him to reach the opposite side.

Influencing AI Gaming

Pac-Man’s ghost gang has left a mark on AI and game development. Those clever algorithms inspired game designers and researchers to create smarter non-player characters (NPCs) in all sorts of games. Their AI paved the way for more brainy NPCs in modern gaming.

In a series of articles published in you can learn how the AI behind Pac-Man’s ghosts it’s a great example on Design Patterns and how this kind of patterns can help overcome game design challenges.

Next time you’re chomping those dots in Pac-Man, give props to the genius AI algorithms at play. The planning, pathfinding, and strategic decision-making behind those sneaky ghosts make Pac-Man a timeless classic. So, keep gaming and enjoy the AI secrets that made Pac-Man a legend!{:}{:es}Los secretos de inteligencia artificial de los fantasmas de Pac-Man