The algorithm of Instagram is, for many, the terror of social networks, generating great concern and obsession in most marketing strategists since it could doom each of their strategies and content to failure or success.

How does it work?

This question is common even in non-marketers. Therefore, today we bring you two secrets that will help you know what you should do to meet your expectations on social networks.

  • Instagram decides which content deserves more prominence, based on the content. Having a lot of followers and many likes have been left behind, and it is no longer important the attention. The most important thing is to generate valuable information in each of your posts, tell a story, engage the public, and be indirectly invited to a call to action.
  • Who published the content? This point is also very important. Instagram studies how interesting you can be for the recipient, and what type of interaction there is between your account and that of the consumer, based on data that this user has generated in the past.

These points are essential even on reels and in the explore section; Since Instagram looks at the posts that you have previously saved, those that you have commented on, and in which you have left alike to determine what content should be at the beginning of these sections, to entertain you as much as possible.

Learn more about the Instagram algorithm at Click Age.