Nowadays, it seems that almost nobody communicates through text messages. However, in the field of digital marketing, SMS campaigns are gaining more prominence. 

Its role is now more professional than sending instant messaging, and in a universe that is increasingly digital where E-Commerce is gaining strength, text messages are becoming popular for shipping or order confirmation, changes of passwords or temporary passwords, online shopping, reminders, and much more. 

In this sense, SMS campaigns can also be affected by cybercrime, but there is a solution for everything, and today we present it to you. 

To prevent your campaigns from being threatened by cybercrime, the first thing to keep in mind is that if one of your strategies is appointment reminders, the information contained in the text message must be concise and accurate.  

In addition to avoiding spelling mistakes, it is recommended that the reminder contains reliable information: user name, service center, name of the person who will be attending, and others.

Secondly, the message should include the name of the company instead of a telephone number. This will create more confidence for the customer. 

Keeping your customers aware of the channels and means of communication will be essential to creating credibility, warning your contacts or customers that they will be receiving messages is a good practice to avoid cybercrime. 

Last but not least, there is sensitive information, it is recommended that you do not ask your customers for personal data through this medium, i.e. passwords, coordinates, or addresses.

Also, adding a link to your SMS will allow the customer to access the website without any commitment. 

Undoubtedly, good practices will make your customers feel more comfortable and secure when receiving SMS. In addition, you will be able to avoid cybercrime. 

Read more about cybersecurity in our blog: CYBERSECURITY CHALLENGES IN 2022.