Starting a business is not an easy task and doing it without ensuring your place in the market is playing with fire. For this reason, it is very important to launch your venture with as many tools as possible. So today we will talk about market research, what it is and how it can help you create a successful business.

So let’s take it one step at a time. Market research is a marketing tool that allows you to gather data about the current market, your potential customers, and your competitors, and that will help you get an overview of how profitable your business will be.

Successful market research will help you see more clearly what your customers need and how you can help them, refining your value proposition and basing it on reliable data, which decreases your chances of failure in the future.

Having an overview of the current market and assessing your potential competitors will help you to find a potential niche market. 

While evaluating your potential customers will allow you to create various ways to meet their needs in the most optimal way possible.

Now, we know that information is the key, but we don’t always have easy access to it. That’s why we give you several options of where you can start your study. 

Chambers of commerce, business associations, consumer associations, national statistics institutes, and other public entities have endless studies, reports, and reports by sector that can help you get started. 

Additionally, it is very important that you connect with your target audience and that it is not enough to talk to friends and family. To obtain valuable data you must choose a universe of people who will be your potential customers and conduct surveys, talk to them and understand how they would like to purchase that product or service so that you can then design your value proposition tailored to their needs.

Last but not least, I will give you some ideas of which variables you should test. First of all, the degree of innovation of your idea, the price ranges of your competitors, and how much your potential customers would be willing to pay for a product or service like yours. 

Another important question is how they would like to receive or buy the product, since this way you can work on ideas about brand design or packaging that will ultimately impact the final price of your business idea.

We already know that every venture or business involves a risk, but the better you prepare yourself, the better your chances of success. So our main advice is not to rush, having a market study will not only help you to launch your business to the market, but it can be a great ally when making any decision. Research, study, plan and execute.