2022 is almost over and we must be prepared with our action plans to receive 2023 and not leave any loose ends. So today I bring some trends we must consider when developing our marketing plans for next year with all those strategies that are giving successful results in the sector.

1.- Influencer Marketing:

The popularity of influencers continues to grow day by day, so this trend is expected to continue in the coming year. Using brand ambassadors to leverage your brand for your products can be an excellent opportunity to increase your sales. Even micro-influencers are winning the battle in this area, as it has been proven that a person with 1,000 followers has more engagement with their followers than someone with 100,000 followers. So don’t be afraid to get into this world because even if you have a small budget you can generate great results.

2.- Omnichannel Marketing:

Many companies are opting for strategies that integrate all channels of dissemination and bring their customers a coherent line of communication. In this way, they use different channels both online and offline to publicize their campaigns and content in general. You may wonder what are the most striking channels for the next 2023, well no doubt, the digital press and specialized blogs, mobile apps, podcasts, webinars, and face-to-face events. I hope you don’t miss the opportunity to create an omnichannel strategy for your business.

3.- Augmented reality in marketing:

Augmented reality is every day more present in our lives, it is increasingly common to use a filter for our photographs or even go into a completely virtual environment to interact with a product.  For example, see how it looks in our kitchen, well these types of scenarios are very effective when connecting with your customers, the main objective next 2023 is to generate positive experiences around your brand.

4.- Artificial Intelligence:

Every day is more common the use of Artificial Intelligence in marketing and that many tools have been created that allow us to optimize our campaigns. Many others make our job easier when creating personalized content that helps us to build customer loyalty. All these are thanks to the data analysis of our audience that now shows us what their tastes are, what they are looking for, and when they are willing to generate a conversion. These are extremely powerful tools so we recommend including them in your next marketing plan.

5.- Mix Online and Offline experiences.

The digital world is not the only one that exists and to prove it to your customers you can generate a good augmented reality experience that always invites them to try your products in the physical world. Stimulate their senses and make every second count and above all make them want more and dare to convert. 

Promotions, games, and online and offline events are always a great help. Just think big!

In short, there is still a lot of work to do and when we just see how technology is entering the sector, it will surely be a huge opportunity for growth, which forces us to keep up-to-date, informed, and above all ready for any movement that we can take advantage of.