We are almost at the end of AR filters info, and it is that the path is not as long as it seems, the ideal is to take into account some indications so that, as we have said in previous articles, the path is not so tedious. Today you will read about the latest conditions that Facebook presents to generate an AR filter, and although they may seem logical, it is better to take them into account to avoid any unwanted failure.

The main thing to keep in mind is that AR filters must comply with the community rules both on Facebook and Instagram, which are like the basic rules of coexistence in society, authenticity, respect, security and non-offensive or violent content. This also goes hand in hand with content that must be suitable for Facebook and Instagram user, for those over 13 years of age.

Very important, avoid obscene, suggestive or sexual content, it is also important to remember that the videos should not contain any kind of suggestion regarding the consumption of tobacco, alcohol or psychotropic substances. Promoting illegal activities is also not allowed.

Another sign to remember is that the effect should not incite people to discrimination, contempt, provocation or violence. It is also important to emphasize that it is better to avoid promoting online games that have to do with the lottery, real money betting or online.

Although we have mentioned it briefly in previous articles, the effect should not contain ai hashtags, QR codes or any other scannable, everything that is not part of Instagram or Facebook will be automatically denied. However, despite the restrictions, the AR effect may contain the social networks they manage or the company’s URL, but without the call to action.

Finally, the legal terms, although it seems tedious, is one of the most important points:

  • First, the content must not infringe the intellectual property of Facebook Inc. or any associated with the brand.
  • You cannot copy or plagiarize the brand or its partners such as Whatsapp, Instagram, Free Basics or Oculus.
  • The effect must fully comply with the resource centers and guidelines of Facebook and Instagram, including the assets and / or applications of Instagram as a registered trademark.
  • The content must respect privacy, advertising and everything that has to do with copyright and trademarks.

In the end, the most important thing is that AR filters are for fun and as a marketing strategy, the best thing is that you can use this tool harming no one and as a recreation or education space for Facebook and Instagram users, now only you must dare and tell us how it went.