We have already talked about the impact that E-Commerce has had in recent years, its high growth and popularization have made many brands finally take the step to digital. 

However, physical stores are not over yet, there is a large part of consumers who prefer to go to a physical store. But in this article, we will not talk about this. 

Rather, we will talk about the transformation of the consumer and the mutation that E-Commerce is undergoing. 

Immediacy is on-trend…

The transformation is notorious and the immediacy of delivery times plays a fundamental factor in the purchase decision. Waiting five days or a week is no longer profitable for the consumer when faced with an imperative need. 

As a result, delivery logistics have evolved so that people receive their packages on the same day of purchase or the next day. This is the beginning of qCommerce or Quick eCommerce. 

Initially, Quick eCommerce was used for immediate consumption of products such as food or groceries. However, today Quick eCommerce is becoming more popular in other areas. 

How to run a Quick eCommerce?

The most important thing is to be 100% honest in delivery times, if your store is located in Colombia, it is impossible to ship a product to China the next day. 

That is why, being close to the potential customer and having efficient delivery logistics, will be the first steps to upgrading from an E-Commerce to a Quick eCommerce. If you want to expand your product nationally, negotiating delivery times will also be valid to address new market niches. 

Transportation will be key to executing an excellent delivery service. Nowadays, we can use methods that allow the customer to calculate the shipping time and track the package, so it will be fundamental in the purchase decision and customer satisfaction. 

So now you know, if you have an E-Commerce and you want to change to a Quick eCommerce you know what you need and, if you are starting your online store these keys will help you to get your online business on track.