The aroma is capable of transporting you to other moments, reminding you of people, food or places. Almost always, we ignore smells, but they are essential, not only to create good, but also bad experiences.

In the case of marketing, this is a fundamental part when a client marries or not, with a product or service. We are talking about olfactory marketing, which is part of sensory marketing, a tool that we have already discussed previously. And why is it so important today? For the new normality of which we all speak, the world in general has to reinvent itself to bring a kind of new daily life, trying not to move away from those things that most attract the consumer.

In moments where everything is uncertain, the consumer wants to relive the smells of their habits and customs. That is why, brands use olfactory marketing to give customers what they want.

Stores, supermarkets, hotels and others are faithful to this resource, where the use of a particular aroma is used that generates confidence and relaxation to improve the consumer experience. According to the web portal

Different scientific studies have shown that a properly flavored establishment is capable of selling up to 70% more. On the effect it can have on sales, another Spanish company in the field, Olfactory Marketing ensures that the right aroma prolongs the stay by 15% and increases the desire to buy by another 15%.

In this sense, these are just some of the brands that adhere to this resource, in the case of commercial establishments:

  • Zara aromatizes its spaces with a particular smell that is transferred even to clothing.
  • At Starbucks, the incessant aroma of freshly brewed coffee is also part of their strategy.
  • Another example that is lived in these times is that of Nivea, who presented the “Sun Eau de Toilette” cologne with an aroma that undoubtedly smells like summer sun cream. This colony has increased Nivea’s sales during the quarantine season, as it carries its scent to a summer day on the beach.

As mentioned above, the aroma is not only part of a physical establishment, this resource is also used to perfume the product or its packaging. Making the shopping experience carry over to the home or wherever you are.