In a Post-Coronavirus stage, companies have done their best to stay in a competitive market. However, the user is increasingly demanding and the importance of the shopping experience is decisive in generating trust and loyalty with the consumer.

During these months where the Coronavirus crisis has wreaked havoc, many companies have had to change the business model and migrate to online channels. Although many consumers remain loyal to offline channels, before the Coronavirus, the number of consumers who had a better shopping experience on digital channels than on physical ones was already increasing considerably.

According to this, we realize that at the end of the day you are a physical store or not, the shopping experience is paramount, and the need to establish links with such a changing consumer is at the mercy of the moment. Furthermore, according to a study carried out by Sitel, it was found that “almost half (43%) of consumers say that they ‘would stop doing business’ with brands that offered a bad customer experience, even during the pandemic.

Consequently, with a new Coronavirus alert in the environment, companies must take into account all the variables, that is, adjust to new changes, where competition is increasingly close and where everyone wants to give the same message. Without a doubt, the shopping experience will be decisive in the success or failure of an organization.

Evaluate your messages, the way you want to reach the client, and think as if you were the user. In the end, you will be attacking a need that may also be yours.