Everyone loves good Friday morning news with bread and coffee and today we will present to you the 5 most relevant news of this week in the tech world.

So enjoy the reading!

#1 Facebook Gaming will no longer be available on October 20, for both Android and IOS. – genbeta.com

Facebook has announced the closure of its Facebook Gaming app, after wanting to resemble the twitch platform and getting very few Gamers to join. 

However, it will still be accessible through the main Facebook application through its web version. You will still be able to find the content and streams you like the most within the Facebook gaming section.

#2 Twitter Circles are now available for everyone, what are they? – xataka.com

Last year Twitter launched “Twitter Circles” on a trial basis for some accounts. It has the same function as Instagram’s “Best Friends”. That is, you’ll be able to send public tweets, and if you want to do some one-offs, you’ll be able to select a small, personalized group. 

Currently, it is now available for all platforms: Android, iOS, and Twitter.com. What are you waiting for to enjoy this new feature? 

#3 Sony raises the price of its PlayStation 5 in several regions of the world due to “high inflation rates Global” -eitb.eus

Just as you are reading, by the end of August, Sony decided to increase the price of its PS5 due to the global inflation rate. 

The company has assured that its consoles will be 5 times more expensive in selected markets such as Europe, the Middle East, and Africa, as well as in the Asia Pacific, Latin America, and Canada. U.S. gamers, on the other hand, will still be able to purchase at the same price. 

#4 Reality One and Reality Pro: Records point to possible names for Apple’s Virtual and Augmented Reality glasses. -xataka.com.mx

Apple has already begun its strategy to secure potential names for its mixed reality glasses. According to Bloomberg, the company has registered some potential names for its new devices in various parts of the world.

The trademarks in question are “Reality One,” “Reality Pro” and “Reality Processor,” which make sense considering the operating system name “realityOS,” the same one that had previously appeared in iOS code, as well as in a registered name.

#5 NASA approves construction of Blue Origin’s Orbital Reef. -xataka.com

NASA has approved the project for the construction of the Orbital Reef space station. An orbiting space for a maximum of ten people. It would have the function of hosting tourists and would be the hub of scientific research in microgravity. 

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